
Gurugram’s greediest cheater raw employee ruchita kinge continues to ruthless ROB, CHEAT, EXPLOIT, hardworking single woman engineer

September 15, 2023 | By admin | Comments Off on Gurugram’s greediest cheater raw employee ruchita kinge continues to ruthless ROB, CHEAT, EXPLOIT, hardworking single woman engineer | Filed in: Uncategorized.

In one of the greatest online,financial frauds, the indian government continues to make fake claims about haryana’s human monster gurugrams greediest CHEATER raw employee ruchita kinge, optum human resources manager td DUPING companies, countries and people with FAKE STORIES about haryana’s human monster gurugrams greediest CHEATER raw employee ruchita kinge who is openly involved in EDUCATIONAL, FINANCIAL, BANKING FRAUD, government SLAVERY since 2012 to get a monthly government salary at the expense of a hardworking single woman engineer, domain investor

Though haryana’s human monster gurugrams greediest CHEATER raw employee ruchita kinge studied in dyal singh college,karnal, haryana being one of the greatest frauds and cheaters in india, the gurugram cheater raw employee ruchita kinge is faking a btech 1993 ee degree from iit bombay with the help of her shameless fraud cheater boyfriends puneet , sumit, vikas, verma, arya to get a monthly government salary at the expense of the single woman engineer
with the support of the fraud indian tech and internet companies allegedly led by google,tata, cognizant.,haryana’s human monster gurugrams greediest CHEATER raw employee ruchita kinge has been getting a monthly government salary for more than 10 years,yet being a very greedy shameless fraud and cheater she refuses to legally purchase domains relies on her fraud boyfriends, tech and internet companies to continue running india’s greatest online, financial fraud
Though haryana’s human monster gurugrams greediest CHEATER raw employee ruchita kinge is a human resources manager with a salary of Rs 15 lakh, she is openly involved in SLAVERY , refusing to acknowledge the time spent by the hardworking single woman engineer doing computer work, to avoid payment, instead making fake stories that all the work is done by bots which the corrupt indian government blindly believes to reward their favorite fraud gurugrams greediest CHEATER raw employee ruchita kinge

The indian government, tech and internet companies fail to answer why their favorite fraud gurugrams greediest CHEATER raw employee ruchita kinge has plenty of money to spend on staycations at aloft, aerocity, costing Rs 7000 a day, yet does not have the honesty and humanity to purchase even one domain paying the market price, though the indian government continues to waste tax payer money paying its favorite fraud ruchita kinge a monthly salary for faking domain ownership including this one.