Increasingly the gujju, sindhi scammers have perfected cybercrime, cheating, exploiting hardworking investors,professionals from poorer communities to get government jobs

July 14, 2022 | By admin | Filed in: Uncategorized.

Increasingly the gujju, sindhi scammers have perfected cybercrime, cheating, exploiting hardworking investors,professionals from poorer communities to get government jobs without doing any computer work at all, without investing any money in domains. The powerful LIAR GREEDY gujju government officials tushar parekh, nikhil sha,parmar, puneet got kolhapur/panaji sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani and her scammer sons karan, nikhil government jobs faking ownership of domains including this one, online income and bank account to destroy the life of a single woman engineer these gujju, brahmin frauds hated

When the domain investor left goa, the sindhi scammer brothers have also left goa since July 2022 since they could no longer justify their banking, online fraud, While banking fraudster mba nikhil premchandani has become a bank manager despite faking bank account . his scammer brother sindhi scammer writing fraudster cbi employee karan premchandani relocates to noida from panaji, goa
It is an indication of how well the greedy gujju, sindhi scammers are in manipulating the indian government system, that the sindhi scammer family continues to get a monthly government salary for FAKING bank account,domain ownership while the indian government ignores all the complaints of the real domain investor, just because the SHAMELESS SCAMMER sindhis have slandered her in the worst manner hysterically making fake allegations without any proof and repeating them like parrots.
This is posted as a fraud alert so that people , companies and countries are aware that shameless scammer sindhis, gujjus, goans, shivalli brahmins and other frauds are not associated with the website, though liar government agencies make fake claims.

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