Due to the lack of honest obc/bhandari/dalit officials and leaders, in india hardworking bhandari professionals and investors are becoming victims of government SLAVERY with greedy lazy frauds like greedy goan bhandari scammer sunaina chodan, haryana gurgaon fraud mba hr ruchita kinge, indore robber housewife deepika/veena, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree, wife of tata power employee guruprasad and other fraud raw/cbi employees getting no work no investment government jobs in the indian internet sector FAKING domain ownership, bank account since 2010
Though the greedy indian tech and internet companies allegedly led by google,tata are making millions of dollars in profit, they do not want to pay BRIBES to corrupt greedy government officials hiding behind greedy goan bhandari scammer sunaina chodan, haryana gurgaon fraud mba hr ruchita kinge, indore robber housewife deepika/veena, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree, wife of tata power employee guruprasad and other fraud raw/cbi employees directly from their profit, instead they are ruthless in slandering small online business owners to get no work no investment government jobs in the indian internet sector for friends and relatives in the indian internet sector FAKING domain ownership, bank account since 2010
Since haryana scammer mba hr ruchita kinge and other fraud raw/cbi employees are getting excellent government salaries only for faking bank account, domain ownership without doing any kind of work, they are having plenty of free time and money while the real domain investor is making very less money despite spending long hours because the government refuses to end its domain ownership, banking fraud,
Though she is getting a monthly government salary for FAKING domain ownership since 2010, haryana scammer raw employee mba hr ruchita kinge does not pay or control any domain and shows off her lavish lifestyle on instagram. She is always wearing new clothes in every instagram photo. This contrasts with the life of the real domain investor, who is almost always at home, and cannot afford to go on a holiday, since she is always struggling to pay the domain renewal expenses
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