One of the biggest ironies of the google, tata masterminded government slavery racket since 2010, is that High status greedy fraud raw/cbi employees from rich and powerful communities like robber riddhi nayak caro, sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani, ruchika kinge still expect the hardworking single woman engineer whose life they have destroyed to work with them, continue harassing and monitoring her closely, with the transfer cheque theft in panaji, goa one of the latest examples of the harassment the single woman engineer faces daily in panaji, goa
This shows how extremely selfish and greedy the high status well paid raw/cbi employees are, despite being extremely ruthless in their fraud on the hardworking single woman engineer for 11 years, denying her even her basic rights, they still expect her to trust them and work with them, so that they can become even more richer and powerful
It is an irony that the greedy liar fraud raw/cbi employees do not realize the most basic aspect of human relationships, that most people will not work with a person who has ruthlessly cheated them before. Even after 11 years of cheating, exploiting and criminally defaming the hardworking single woman engineer the fraud raw/cbi employees fail to realize that it is almost impossible to make the engineer work for them, since she is very careful and it is time they leave her alone.
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